Harvest Fair 2019 | Your chance to win local bragging rights!


Last fall, I found myself in my garden, examining my sad attempt at growing buttercup squash. All I had were 3 measly mini-squash, the size of a baseball each. After a summer of losing tomato plants to blight as a result of heavy hail, and sad bean yields from all the smoke and lack of direct sunlight, I was feeling disheartened. So much so, I almost wanted to give up gardening all together! But then I remembered... despite the disappointment in the garden, I had a GREAT shot of winning a red ribbon at the Hillhurst Sunnyside Harvest Fair! Suddenly, it didn’t matter that my husband and I had to buy all our vegetables that year; my excitement for gardening had been renewed and I even felt great pride as I entered my mini-squash in the category of “Most Pathetic Vegetable”.

With over 50 categories to choose from, there is certainly something for everyone. Whether you love to bake, cook, ferment, compost, create art, or grow food (as successful or unsuccessful you may be!), you have a chance to be a Blue Ribbon winner. Our panels of local celebrity judges, including John Gilchrist, Sylvia Kong and Rod Olson, always have a blast sampling pies, weighing pumpkins, and interpreting recycled garden art.

This year, we are excited to have the Harvest Fair and Farmers’ Market combined and out in the sunshine. On September 11 from 3-7pm, you will be able to do your weekly shopping along with viewing all produce, art and culinary creations that have been prepared for ribbons and bragging rights. Join in some square dancing, eating contests, play games, listen to live music, learn how to save seeds, and become part of our garlic bank!

See our Harvest Fair page for details of categories and rules. 
To enter your submissions, bring your items to the HSCA with the attached form completed on September 10th from 4:30-8:30pm or September 11th from 10-11:30am.

Which red ribbon will you take home this year??