Your 2020 Farmers' Market | Managing rising food prices


Food prices are expected to rise again this year, with researchers forecasting that families should expect to pay almost $500 more on groceries in 2020 than they did in 2019. (Rosendaal, Jan 2020)

There are any number of unfortunately reasons for the increase in prices, but don’t fret! There are also lots of HOPEFUL ways to avoid spending more on food! And bonus- many of them reduce your food waste too.

CBC News’ Julie Van Rosendaal wrote an article recently “5 tips to spend less money on food, and eat better for it”. Her tips include ideas like buying in bulk, using what you’ve got, and making creative dishes with leftovers. Our personal favourite tip is eat in season! Why spend the extra money on imported out of season produce when there are plenty of local, in season options for less. Sure you’ll have to wait until the summer to have a peach or a strawberry, but just think about how extra sweet they’ll taste when you get your first one.

Our Farmers’ Market is happy to bring you Alberta grown produce all year round. Stop in on a Wednesday and pick up local, in season, fresh produce to keep you on track for all your money saving, healthy lifestyle, waste reduction New Year’s goals.

Check out all of Julie’s tips in the original article.